Are you worried about the Domain Authority (DA) of your blog? In this article I will tell you, how to increase the Domain Authority of a website or blog. When any content ranks in Google search results, it does not depend only on keywords and high-quality backlinks. There are many factors that affect your website ranking. One of which is Domain Authority. Domain Authority is a metric developed by Moz that reflects your site reputation. Sites which have high Domain Authority rank well in SERPs. Domain Authority of any site is measured on a scale of 1 to 100. If the domain authority of your site is around 100, then both your site traffic and ranking will be very good. Therefore, it is very important for your site to have good Domain Authority. It takes a lot of time to increase the Domain Authority of any website or blog. This is a long-time process. If you think that by making some changes to your site, you will increase Domain Authority overnight, then you are absolutely wrong.

However, there are some steps which you can follow to increase your Website Domain Authority very fast.

Publish content that users link to

Publish quality content on your site. So that other bloggers link your content with their site. Here is a guide – How to Write SEO Friendly Blog Posts That Rank Easily. When a blogger links your content to his site with a no-follow link, you get a do follow backlink. Do follow Backlinks play an important role in increasing the Domain Authority of a site or blog.

Focus on On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO plays an important role in increasing your DA Score. The optimization done while writing content is called On-Page SEO. In this you have to keep the following factors in mind.

Do internal linking in your post

Internal linking plays a major role in increasing the Domain Authority of your site. It also reduces the bounce rate of your site and helps search engine bots crawl your content better. Apart from this, your content becomes more informative and useful for the visitors.

Create High Quality Backlinks for your site

Creating high quality backlinks is not an easy task. But it is not that difficult. With the right technique you can easily create quality backlinks for your site. There are many bloggers who use wrong methods to create backlinks on their site and they create backlinks from such sites which promise to create lots of backlinks within minutes. All these backlinks are of low-quality sites and instead of increasing your site ranking, it reduces it further. Always make backlinks from high quality and reputable sites. Quality backlinks help in increasing the Domain Authority of your site very fast.

Remove Bad Links from your site

Always keep an eye on your site’s link profile. If the number of bad links or toxic links on your site is very high, it will greatly affect your Domain Authority, ranking and traffic. Therefore, it is very important for you to keep your link profile clean and healthy. For this you can use SEMrush, Ahrefs or LinkPatrol tools.

Make your site mobile friendly

There has been a huge increase in the number of mobile users and more than half of the searches are done through mobile. If your site is not mobile friendly, your site will not be able to perform well in SERPs. Also, if your site does not appear properly on the mobile of visitors, then they will immediately exit from your site. You can use the Mobile-Friendly Test tool to check whether your site is mobile friendly or not. It is developed by Google and helps you find out whether your site is mobile friendly or not.

Fix Your Website’s Loading Speed

If your site takes a long time to load, it has a bad effect on the bounce rate of your website. Any visitor waits 2 to 3 seconds for a site to open. If the site loads in 2 to 3 seconds, then it is fine, otherwise the visitor will exit the site and go to another search result. You can use PageSpeed ​​Insights, Pingdom and GTmetrix tools to check the loading speed of your site.

Limit the number of links on a page

If you do too much linking in your content, it is not a good idea. This is not good in terms of user experience. Besides, Google also advises to add a limited number of links in a page.

Keep your site structure clean and user friendly

It is very important to keep the site structure clean and user friendly, so that visitors can navigate the site easily. Therefore, you have to pay special attention to user experience. Don’t make your site or blog too colourful. This distracts the reader and may cause him to leave your blog.


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