What are the common threats or Crime and How to Defend Against Them?


Cyber ​​threats are the many ways mobile internet and technology can be used to try to harm us. A cyber security threat is a malicious act that seeks to damage data, steal data or disrupt digital life. Cyber ​​threats include viruses, data breaches, denial of service attacks and other types of effective attacks. Cyber ​​threats refer to the possibility of a successful cyber-attack aimed at unauthorized access, damage, disruption or theft of information technology assets, computer networks, intellectual property or any other form of sensitive data. Cyber ​​threats can be introduced within the organization by trusted users or by unknown parties from remote locations. Cybercriminals want to gain unauthorized access to your sensitive information. In most cases, cybercriminals attack for clear purposes.

five biggest cyber security threats –

  • Increase in Internet of Things attacks –

Despite headlines about Internet of Things device vulnerabilities, little has been done to fix the flaws. Default passwords are still common across devices and the demand for increased flexibility to work with different operating systems has made Internet of Things devices an easy target. Therefore, it is important to keep your Internet of Things devices secure.

  • Increase in biometric hacking –

Biometric password protection methods like fingerprint or retina recognition are methods that, on the surface, seem hard to beat due to the individual nature of fingerprints and retinas. However, the software behind this technology is very weak. Flaws in both software and hardware are likely to be discovered and exploited throughout 2020, so relying purely on biometric passwords is not a recommended strategy.

  • A major cloud hack could happen –

The amount of data stored within the cloud is enormous and it is surprising that one of the major cloud vendors has not already suffered a major hack. And for this reason it is likely that attacks on cloud vendors will increase in 2022. The cloud is, of course, a great storage solution, but make sure you’re aware of your vendors’ security capabilities and maintain physical backups of your data.

  • Chatbot Phishing –

Bots have existed online for decades, but an emerging trend has seen hackers designing chatbots that socially engineer computer users and extract their sensitive data. Computer users are increasingly relying on chatbots contained within websites for help, so this is a clever move on the part of hackers as it allows them to send malicious links directly to users in real time.

  • Botnet attacks will take down the internet –

The botnet had disabled large parts of the Internet before the 2016 attack, which took down Amazon, PayPal and Twitter. Naturally, this is terrible news for organizations that have been hacked, but the knock-on effect is lost productivity for organizations that rely on these services for example accepting PayPal payments and relying on your organization online. It is important to identify key services and create contingency plans in the event of an attack.

How to defend against them?

  • Cyber-Awareness

Education is one of the important areas for spreading information about prevention of cyber-crimes and youth population needs to be aware about their participation in cyberspace and create an ecosystem for cyber security and prevention of cyber-crimes. Can act as a force multiplier to create.

  • Tech-Diplomacy for a Secure Global Cyberspace: 

India needs to strengthen its diplomatic partnerships with advanced economies and technology-oriented democracies (Techno-) to address emerging cross-border cyber threats and move towards a secure global cyberspace. Should do.

  • Cooperative Federalism and Cyber ​​Security: 

Police and public order are subjects in the State List hence States should ensure that law enforcement is fully competent to deal with cyber-crime.

  • The IT Act and other major laws are centrally enacted, so the central government can develop universal statutory procedures for law enforcement.
  • Additionally, the Center and states should invest adequate funds to develop the necessary cyber infrastructure.
  • Mandatory Data Protection Norms: 

All government and private agencies dealing with personal data should be required to follow mandatory data protection norms.

  • The concerned authorities should conduct data security audits regularly to ensure compliance with the norms.


A computer threat is a potential threat that can break security and cause significant damage by taking advantage of a vulnerability. This leads to loss of data or our hardware gets physically damaged. The first step to protect the computer system from security threats is to identify the threats. Security Threat is a type of risk that can harm a computer system or organization. In this, data from our system can be stolen or our computer system can be damaged by virus attack. Cyber ​​threats can be introduced within the organization by trusted users or by unknown parties from remote locations. Cybercriminals want to gain unauthorized access to your sensitive information. In most cases, cybercriminals attack for clear purposes.


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